Post by Jaimos SkriletzPost by M***@gmx.dePost by Claude RubinsonPost by Michael GroÃerYou will run into the problem that MenuFvwmRoot
does not contain "D. Debian Menu" anymore like
it used to be in Debian Lenny with FVWM 2.5.26.
Just read /etc/X11/fvwm/menudefs.hook into your config.
I tried it. With no luck. It was one of my obvious ideas.
Maybe, I did something wrong, but in my case, it didn't work.
Perhaps, I should try to include "/etc/X11/fvwm/menudefs.hook"
in FVWM "2.6.5", if it contains such a file. I tested both
"2.5.30" and "2.6.5" yesterday, bulldozing my two Debian
partitions after each test with a fresh and chaste version
of Squeeze, but I did different tests with "2.5.30" and
"2.6.5". I made more tests with "2.5.30", because it was
more Debian affine than "fvwm-2.6.5.tar.bz2".
the menu is created with a debian menu-methods and the output is the /etc/X11/fvwm/menudefs.hook by default on the debian package (I just checked this myself).
'Read /etc/X11/fvwm/menudefs.hook' will just read the debian menu but not add it to your root menu. So that file only contains the info generated by the debian 'menu' package.
you should less that file, but the menu name is /Debian and you can get the menu by doing 'popup /Debian' and there is the menu. You can add that to your root menu to get access to the menu from there.
Note you will have to 'Read /etc/X11/fvwm/menudefs.hook' each time you add/remove packages to change the menu you will need to reread that file to get the updated menu. But this method ensures that you only add the menu to your current config and not all fo the other stuff from the default debian config file.
I can give it a try during the next 6 months. 'popup /Debian' could be
an approach that I should indeed pursue. As usual, I will report
about my progress when it is time. What do you mean with
"you should less that file"? Using the "less" command to do
something with that file? And if so, what?
Post by Jaimos Skriletzand not all fo the other stuff from
the default debian config file.
Yeah, I know. I only need the Debian menu.
The other stuff is of no interest. It just
interferes with my own config.
It could be a good idea to transform a future
version of "/etc/X11/fvwm/system.fvwm2rc" into
a 2, 3, 4, ... or 9 liner, which includes
other files to add features to the default
config. One 'read' command reads in menus,
one 'read' command reads in a pager, one some
window decorations, one a clock, and the
user could set a "#" character before each
'read' command whose feature he/she does not
like. This could be a very convenient modular
approach for picky users like me ;-)
- Michael -