Post by Jaimos SkriletzPost by Michael GroÃer
I had removed the www subdomain along with many others from the domain and didn't realize that removing www would have side effects (I personally don't like the www subdomain). I have fixed this by adding back to the nameserver and it should resolve just fine now.
Though I would prefer any links just point to, I will try to not remove the in the future as to keep old links from breaking.
It was the first time in my life that somebody decided to
remove a "www" domain and to keep the same domain without
I seriously thought that you went completely offline.
That's why I came up with the WayBackMachine solution.
Now, I'm glad that you are still online.
And, now I learned the concept that there are people
in the world who do not like "www" domains.
Concerning my own domains, I even forward my visitors to the
"www" variant if they forget to enter these three letters.
My opinion is that people should always be remembered by the
name of the web-server if they are using WWW, FTP oder other
Thank you that you sent a vital sign over this list.
When I learn something reading parts of a tutorial,
I like it to find out that there is a real and still alive
person behind that tutorial.