(Please start new threads for new subjects)
Post by Walter Alejandro Iglesiasoff topic but related
Reading this header file I discovered something related to other post I
did here titled "Bitmap Fonts and UTF-8". That the three fonts that
appeared on PrintInfo output (I explained on that post not
Now I tried the following. I commented out all Font entries in my
styles and let FVWM load the fonts itself. In theory FVWM should
load some of the fonts above (Am I wrong?). Once started all defaulted to
The above is not the default font.
Post by Walter Alejandro Iglesiasxlsfonts -fn -*-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
So, in my case, the font used is the first one.
Post by Walter Alejandro Iglesiaswith NO errors on start up and rendering the correct characters. But if
JISX0208.1983-0, KSC5601.1987-0, GB2312.1980-0, JISX0201.1976-0
Googling, I saw that this is an old issue with utf-8 and X server trying
to find the font that matches on all encodings.
I don't know if all this comment is useful because that X issue
seems not to have a solution.
I don't see much point to the message printed.
I get it myself and it's not telling me anything I want to know.
Currently it just prints the first 5 times it fails, then shuts up.
That message should probably only print when "printinfo locale" is
1 or 2...
Dan Espen